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Puffins are our Year 1 and 2 children. Their teacher is Miss Matich and their teaching assistant is Mrs Bevan.  



If you need to contact your child’s class teacher, you can do this via Class DoJo or via the class email address 

Our learning 

Academic year 2024/25- Cycle B

Autumn term 1  2024/25

This term our topic is 'To Infinity and Beyond'. As part of out topic we wil be learning about the history of space travel, learning about space explorers and focusing on how to aim high!

Click here to look at  what year 1 will be learning this term. 

Click here to look at what year 2 will be learning this term. 


Academic year 2023/24- Cycle A 

Summer term 2 2023/24

This term our topic continues to be 'Precious Planet Earth'.  As part of our topic, we will be learning about 'Amazing Africa'. 

Click here to look at what year 1 will be learning this term.

Click here to look at what year 2 will be learning this term. 

Summer term 1 2023/24

This term our topic is 'Precious Planet Earth'. As part of our topic, we will be learning about our local area and a familiar seaside. In science, we will be learning about materials and their properties, linking to our literacy texts: The Three Little Pigs and Wolves by Emily Gravett. 

Click here to look at what year 1 are learning this term.

Click here to look at what year 2 are learning this term. 

Spring term 2 2023/24

This term our topic is 'Animal Adventures'. As part of out topic we will be learning about living things and their habitats and exploring a range of texts linked to animals which will inspire our writing. 

Click here to look at what our year 1 chidlren will be learning this term.

Click here to look at what our year 2 chidlren will be learning this term. 

Spring term 1   2023/24

This term, our topic is 'Step Back in Time'. As part of our topic, will be learning about transport through time and focusing on a number of pioneers, including Amelia Earhart. 

Click here to take a look at what our year 1 children will be learning this term.

Click here to take a look at  what our year 2 children will be learning this term. 

Autumn term 2   2023/24

This term, we continue with our 'Then and Now' topic, but focusing on celebrations.

Click here to take a look at what our year 1 children will be learning this term. 

Click here to take a look at what our year 2 children will be learning this term. 

Autumn term 1   2023/24

This term, our topic is 'Then and Now'. As part of this topic we will be comparing different aspects of life now and in the past, for example, school, toys and the local area. 

Click here to take a look at what our year 1 are learning in our 'Then and Now' topic this term. 

Click here to take a look at what our year 2 children are learning in our 'Then and Now' topic this term. 


Our class events

Art Project- summer term 1

In our art lessons this term we are continuing to create water inspired collages for our upcoming art exhibition. We are using skills we have built up over the last few weeks to make our own different watery sketches and paintings to combine to make a final piece of art.


British Science Week- March 2024

As part of British Science week Key stage 1 children have been learning about micro habitats. Our investigation is an observation over time enquiry to find out the preferred habitat conditions of wood lice. We enjoyed collecting the wood lice in the garden area and observed them over the day before returning them back to their natural habitat.



Introducing our maths passports- Spring term 

In the first spring term, we introduced our multiplication passports. The chidlren are really enjoying gaining stamps to reward their progress in maths! 

Science: Investigating global warming in our 'Caring for our planet' topic in science- Autumn term 2 2023

In science we are learning about the environment. We focused on global warming and carried out an investigation into the effects of greenhouse gases. We set up an investigation with 2 environments resembling planet earth with an ice cube in each. One container was covered in cling film (to resemble the increasing thickness of the ozone layer), the other was uncovered. We used stop clocks to time which environment the ice melted fastest in. We then wrote a conclusion. 


Maths: representing numbers -Autumn term 2023

In maths, every Wednesday, we have a target number which we must represent in different ways. We use a range of manipulatives including, bead strings, part whole models, cubes and dienes. We also represent the target number in number sentences using the 4 calculations. 




Science Fieldwork- Summer term 2023

As part of our topic on plants this term, we enjoyed our science fieldwork at the park where we looked for a variety of wild plants and flowers.


Maths Tangrams- Summer term 2023

This term we completed a unit of work on shape in maths. To start thinking about 2d shapes we visualised 2d shapes in a range of orientations by making tangrams.


World Book Day March 2023!

Mathematical games! Spring term 1

At the beginning of the term the children learnt all about positional language! Children now understand how to write or say a command, using an enriched vocabulary. 


Where the Wild Things Are!

In English this term we have been learning all about the wild things! The children have loved rewriting the story and retelling the story using puppets!

Fire and Ice! - Spring term

The topic this term has been Fire and Ice! We have been looking at different animals in different climates and the national animal in each Country! 

Children in Need! – November 2022

A huge thank you to all of the parents and children who took part in our ‘Crazy Hair Day’ to raise money for Children in Need. We had a cake sale at break and lunchtime – and raised lots of money! 


A visit from Ripley Fire Station! – November 2022

The Puffins have been learning all about Bonfire Night this week, and what they can do to protect each-other and animals. We were extremely lucky at Street Lane to have a visit from our local Fire Fighters on Bonfire Night – the children loved being able to try on all the gear and even hopped into the truck.


Visit to view the Gaia artwork at Derby Cathedral! – October 2022

The Puffins enjoyed their trip to Derby Cathedral to view the Gaia artwork. Our theme this term is ‘space’, the children enjoyed the opportunity to see our planet to scale and learn about Derby Cathedral and special symbols by carrying out a ‘Symbol Hunt’ activity around the cathedral. 



Visit from Elite Football Development! – September 2022

Street Lane were very lucky to have some special visitors come and see us! Professional footballer Ben Osborn and Jack from Elite Football Development came in to talk to us and teach us some football skills. 



Comparing and Sorting Groups – September 2022

This week in maths, Year 1 and Year 2 have been comparing and sorting objects and numbers into groups. We had so much fun! Well done Puffins!



Welcome Back – Funky Spoon Making – September 2022

As we returned from our Summer holidays, the Puffins settled in really well into their new classroom. We spent the afternoon designing and making our own ‘Funky Spoons’, we will use these spoons when we pop our hands up.