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We were the first school in Derbyshire to achieve the Wellbeing for Schools Award and are very proud of our school community.


We are a family at Street Lane Primary and endeavour to ensure the happiness our children. We developed our curriculum based on the intent of having happy, healthy children who feel safe and achieve personal success.

We believe that if our children are happy, they will learn successfully, play cooperatively and develop essential life skills. Our staff are nurturing and caring role models who fully support the children throughout their learning journey to ensure they are the best that they can be.

Our school values of Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Ambition and Resilience are considered in all areas of our learning.

Year 5 and 6 Learning about Investments Autumn 2025

Cooking in the Early Years - April 2023

We have been finding out about ways to stay healthy through the different types of food we eat. We teach the children a range of different skills to handle utensils safely as they prepare and cook their food. This year we have practised heating, spreading and cooking skills to make toast, we've practised our chopping skills as we made fruit salad kebabs, we made a warming Gruffalo stew (beef stew!) where we learnt how to use a peeler and a grater and a sharp knife safely as well as using a slow cooker for the first time and then as an Easter treat we looked how we could change chocolate from a solid into a liquid by heating it and then cooling it so see it solidify back into a crispier bun. We model food hygiene by always making sure our hands are washed and clean and always ensuring that our hair is tied up. 




Being responsible 

This term we are exploring rules and responsibilities. We have been looking at what happens without rules and why they are needed in different situations. The children created a game with rules and a game without rules and then discussed the difference between the two. 


Anti-Bullying Week 2022

We started our Anti-Bullying theme week with Odd Socks Day, where we celebrated our uniqueness and differences by wearing odd socks. Throughout the week the children shared assemblies and completed activities to raise awareness of anti-bullying centred around this year's theme of 'Reach Out.' The children in the Ducklings class created a handprint Elmer to celebrate Friendship Friday at the end of the week. 


Black History Month - October 2022

All through October in our school assemblies the children learned about black history and some people who helped to lead revolution and change. We studied black people from America and South Africa but also learned about inspiring black people from the UK. Each class focused on one person and researched their individual stories. The work was then shared on our theme week display board in the office. 

Ducklings- Floella Benjamin

Puffins- Moira Stewart and Sir Trevor McDonald

Owls- Sir Lenny Henry

Peacocks Diane Abbott

October 2022- Harvest Festival

During the Autumn term we have been promoting kindness and respect within our community by collecting donations of food to help support people in our local area. Major Vincent Wall from the Salvation Army came into school to receive our donations and to tell us about the work that the charity does, not just in our community but in countries around the world.

"My teachers help me when I am struggling, that makes me happy."   Amber, Year 3

"Our school is very welcoming because we help each other out."  Rosie Year 6

How is PSHE taught at Street Lane Primary?

In addition to our PSHE topic that is taught termly, we strive to integrate our curriculum intent into all areas of learning.  Teachers take every opportunity to make learning fun, engaging and encourage the children to direct their own learning. Our curriculum provides our children with regular opportunities to learn about healthy choices, personal safety, respect and awareness of others and how they can grow to be a successful member of society.

We support our curriculum each term with a PSHE themed week that links to national awareness events. This academic year, these have included: Anti-Bullying Week, Fire Safety Week and Remembrance Day. We are currently planning our fun packed E-Safety Week in celebration of Safer Internet Day 2022.

To view our long term planning, including our themed weeks, visit our curriculum page.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

We integrate the objectives from the RSE Statutory guidance into our PSHE topics that we teach throughout the year. Many of these objectives are also covered through our focus theme weeks, for example our E-Safety week includes lots of work and activities about staying safe online and healthy relationships on line.

Please click on the links below to read more about the RSE Curriculum.